63-71 El. Venizelou Str., 14231-Nea Ionia, Athens +30 210 2750535  +30 210 2750356   info@innova.gr

GentleLase® Hair Removal

The GentleLase® system is an innovative Alexandrite medical laser which penetrates the hair follicle with light energy, destroying it at its root while preserving the surrounding skin:


Smoother skin, free of unwanted hair


Ultra Fast


The GentleLase® Treatment

Laser energy is delivered through a small handpiece operated by your practitioner. The laser delivers an intense beam of light, which is absorbed by the skin and converted to heat. The heat is then absorbed by the cells being targeted, while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. Your skin may be slightly red immediately after the procedure. This typically lasts from a few minutes to several hours after the procedure.

Gentle Hair Removal treatments use a patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen in adjustable durations—milliseconds before the laser pulse. DCD helps ensure that Gentle Hair Removal treatments are comfortable, effective and safe, approved with FDA (CE Mark)*

Treatment times may vary depending on your specific needs. Hair growth is reduced after each treatment and the number of treatments required will be based on your hair color and type, body area and skin tone. Laser and light-based treatments have been safely used for many years for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures. Your practitioner will advise if this treatment is right for you.

Precautions before and after the therapy

Avoid sun exposure at least two weeks before treatment.

Do not bleach, pluck or wax 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatment. Wait for tanned skin to fade before beginning treatment.

The use of sunscreen with high SPF is recommended during the whole treatment period regardless of the season.

In cases of tanned or natural dark skin, your doctor will advise you how to get prepared, 2-3 weeks before the treatment.

*The GentleLase® system offers a safe and permanent hair removal treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration, federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, «GentleLASE® System FDA Cleared For Permanent Hair Reduction». Furthermore, it is certified for its use on vascular and pigmented lesions.