63-71 El. Venizelou Str., 14231-Nea Ionia, Athens +30 210 2750535  +30 210 2750356   info@innova.gr


The ultimate technology for Cellulite Treatment
Οίκος : Deleo       FR

Cellution® is a treatment plan offering a non-invasive and painless approach. This innovation ingeniously combines four cutting-edge technologies: High-Intensity Focused Diodes (HIFD™ technology), A Mechanical Massage, Active Dermocosmetic Ingredients, and Specifically Calibrated Radial Vibration Waves

  1. HIFD™ Focused Diode

    The HIFD™ radiation emitted of 940 nm allows the heating of the skin up to 42°C. This controlled heat acts deep in the hypodermis, leading to lipolysis and the dissociation of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin. This phenomenon promotes cellular metabolism and particularly targets adipose cellulite. On the other hand, the heat acts at the dermis level, allowing the stimulation of the neocollagenesis and re-tensioning of the skin.

  2. Mechanical Massage

    The massage, constitutes the mechanical step that allows the improvement of the blood supply to the adipose tissue, to destroy the fibrous partitions hardened by the glycation phenomenon and to evacuate the products breakdown of fats. This stage of the Cellution® treatment especially helps to improve fibrous cellulite

  3. Dermo cosmetic Ingredients

    An oil rich in “Smooth Enhancer™” active ingredients penetrates deeply into the epidermis thanks to the vasodilator effect created by the HIFD™ technology. Thanks to the opening of the pores and the increase in exchanges created by thermal action, the active ingredients with anti-cellulite, regenerating and moisturizing properties target the cells of the dermis and hypodermis

  4. Vibration Waves

    Vibration waves, by their ability to penetrate deep into the dermis and hypodermis, are the last key steps of the Cellution® treatment. They enable the restructuration of the topography of tissues, the stimulation of neocollagenesis and the improvement of microcirculation and lympatic drainage. This stimulation is effective in targeting edematous cellulite.

Before & After


Application Video