63-71 El. Venizelou Str., 14231-Nea Ionia, Athens +30 210 2750535  +30 210 2750356   info@innova.gr

Isolab HR System

High-Resolution Manometry System
Vendor: Standard Instruments       DE

The Isolab HR System provides a unique blend of accuracy, durability, and ease of use. Its proprietary capacitive pressure sensing technology yields unparallel measurement precision.

Everything you need to perform a motility study efficiently, reliably, and safely:

High quality construction, with durable, easy-to clean surfaces

LCD screen with articulating arm

Modular data acquisition controller - Expandable to add Impedance, pHmetry

Powerful computing platform with Windows® based operating system

LAN enabled

Integrated catheter auto-calibration system

Patient safety isolation system

Unique software analysis and motility assesment

High-Resolution catheters